VisualLab VisualLab DSC Curve DSC Curve Solutions Solutions

To have a free trial of VisualLab or DSC Curve Solutions (DCS) for 14 days, simply click a button below to download and install corresponding product to your computer, all done.

VisualLab - universal math tool (incl. graph digitizer)

To download and install VisualLab to 64x computers:  Download-install  VisualLab 64x 

To download and install VisualLab to 32x (a.k.a. 86x) computers:  Download-install  VisualLab 32x 

Steps to download and install VisualLab:
1) Click either "Download-install VisualLab 64x" or "Download-install VisualLab 32x" button above
accoridng to your computer, a "setup.exe" file will be downloaded;
2) Run the "setup.exe" by clicking it for installation; follow instructions to completion.

Note: VisualLab is geniun math software developed by CaoTechnology using the Microsoft Visual Studio with ClickOnce delopyment feature. Warning messages for security will show up when "setup.exe" is downloaded. It's safe to run it and install VisualLab. If wished, VisualLab can be uninstalled at any time, see instructions shown below.

DSC Curve Solutions (DCS) - thermal analysis

To download and install DSC Curve Solutions to 64x computers:  Download-install  DCS 64x 

To download and install DSC Curve Solutions to 32x (a.k.a. 86x) computers:  Download-install  DCS 32x 

It would be handy to have DCS (DSC Curve Solutions) parameter definitions: pdf icon

Steps to download and install DSC Curve Solutions(DCS):
1) Click either "Download-install DCS 64x" or "Download-install DCS 32x" button above
accoridng to your computer, a "setup.exe" file will be downloaded;
2) Run the "setup.exe" by clicking it for installation; follow instructions to completion.

Note: DCS (DSC Curve Solutions) is geniun thermal analysis software developed by CaoTechnology using the Microsoft Visual Studio with ClickOnce delopyment feature. Warning messages for security will show up when "setup.exe" is downloaded. It's safe to run it and install VisualLab. If wished, DCS (DSC Curve Solutions) can be uninstalled at any time, see instructions shown below.

Pricing and order


● VisualLab: single perpetual license: AU$580
● VisualLab: 5 perpetual licenses: AU$2,320

● DSC Curve Solutions: single 12 month license: AU$650
● DSC Curve Solutions: single perpetual license: AU$1,800
● DSC Curve Solutions: 3 perpetual licenses: AU$3,180

Buy now by PayPal or Debit or Credit Card:

VisualLab - a universal math tool --- DCS (DSC Curve Solutions) - thermal analysis

Place an order or direct bank transfer:

Downlad a PDF order form below, fill in and fax/email it back, or contact us for direct bank transfer.
VisualLab Order Form: pdf icon
DSC Curve Solutions (DCS) Order Form: pdf icon

Hardware requirements:

• Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 or higher
• For some computers, there may be a message asking to install WindowsBase version and System.Core version to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). These computers do no have the two dll files yet. They can be downloaded from Microsoft. Alternatively, you can also download them from this site; and place them to your computer folder C:\Windows\assembly

• WindowsBase (1.14 MB)  Download ; click Save to save it on your computer

• System.Core (650 KB)  Download ; click Save to save it on your computer

To uninstall:

1. Go to: Start > Setting > System > Apps
2. Select it, and click Uninstall

For Windows XP computers:
1. Go to: Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs
2. Remove VisualLab, or remove DSC Curve Solutions accordingly

How do I know my computer is a 32-bit or 64-bit one ?

To find out if your computer is running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows in Windows 7 or higer:
1. Open System by clicking the Start button, right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties.
2. Under System, you can view the system type.

If your computer is running Windows XP, do the following:
1. Click Start.
2. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties
• If you don't see "x64 Edition" listed, then you're running the 32-bit version of Windows XP.
• If "x64 Edition" is listed under System , you're running the 64-bit version of Windows XP.